:::Energies, a group exhibition at Swiss Institute, New York
12 September 2024 - 5 January 2025

︎︎︎full exhibition guide

www.theworldisaverb.com                         limited t-shirts available

::: Jolt, a long distance lullaby, P////AKT, Amsterdam
For a solo exhibition at P////AKT, Mascini developped a new work that continues her interest into the alchemy of distress, by means of electricity. In a spatial installation that involves writing and sound her intention is attuned to a rippling presence of suffering beings, on a global scale. 21 January 2024 - 26 February 2024

︎︎︎download the commissioned text by Mihnea Mircan

︎listen to the interview (NL) with Springvossen

::: Alchemy of Aches (Alquimia de Dolores), Proyectos Ultravioleta, Guatemala City 
For her first solo exhibition at Proyectos Ultravioleta, Mascini delved into the rippling presence of suffering peoples and ecologies that linger within the electric grid of Guatemala.
20 October - 25 November 2023

︎︎︎download the reflective text (Spanish/English) by Carmen Lucía Alvarado 

::: Liste Art Fair, Basel (CH)
Proyectos Ultravioleta presented a solo by Vibeke Mascini exploring the electric grid as a haunted and poetic network of wild transformation. By being attentive to the radical metamorphoses of matter within the cosmos, the booth will contain works that echo each other, marking transformations through aspects of air, wind and flight, subtly anticipating turbulence. Centered around new interpretations of the works, Instar and Dust Suns, and the work Hemidemisemiquaver.
12-18 June 2023 

:::Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham (EN)
Book launch of Silent Whale Letters, a long-form correspondance between Ella Finer and Vibeke Mascini. Edited by Kate Briggs. Published by Sternberg Press, London.
24 June 2023, 3pm

::: Open Studios Rijkakademie Amsterdam (NL)
With a solo presentation, alongside colleagues:
Noor Abed, Tewa Barnosa, Cihad Caner, Yun Choi, Jacky Connolly, Timo Demollin, Vince Donders, Ali Eslami, Mandy Franca, Juan Arturo García, Rajyashri Goody, Lisette de Greeuw, Ola Hassanain, Winnie Herbstein, Abul Hisham, Hsu Che-Yu, Katarina Jazbec, Kahee Jeong, Annelies Kamen, Ayşen Kaptanoğlu, Zeynep Kayan, Tom K Kemp, Susanne Khalil Yusef, Karel van Laere, Reyhan Lál, Benjamin Li, Fiona Lutjenhuis, Vibeke Mascini, Zauri Matikashvili, Jota Mombaça, Shaun Motsi, Rossella Nisio, Ai Ozaki, Natalia Papaeva, Amol K Patil, Peng Zuqiang, Moe Satt, Selma Selman, Mikołaj Sobczak, eva susova, Danae Tapia, Fransix Tenda Lomba, Martin Toloku, Miloš Trakilović, Daniel Vorthuys, Agnes Waruguru, Peng Zhang, and guest resident Vita Buivid. Other recent guest residents, Julia Janssen, Aram Lee, Woong Yong Kim and Taiki Sakpisit
1 - 11 June 2023

::: Chaleur Humaine
Le Frac Grand Large and LAAC, Dunkirk (FR)
A new version of Instar will be part of the Triennale Art & Industrie 2023
curated by Anna Colin and Camille Richert, assistant curator Henriette Gillerot
10 June 2023 - 4 January 2024

::: Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Project Room, Milan (IT)
Rendezvous, solo presentation, curated by Alessandra Troncone and Chiara Pirozzi
27 September - 18 December 2022

REVIEWS Rendezvous: exibart,  Artribune

:::Attentions yet to come (online)
2 part podcast episode developed on invitation of Metropolis M.
part 1: in conversation with sound artist and researcher Raviv Ganchrow
part 2: in conversation with architect and sensory archeologist Pam Jordan
for more information go ︎here or to listen directly ︎

::: Mean Sea, Lecture as part of Deep Ecology Talks
curated by Esmee Geerken,
19 October 2022
Location: Waag, anatomical theater, Amsterdam

::: Doris Ghetta Gallery, Ortisei (IT)
Dust Suns are part of the group exhibition Erosive Forces Shape (Inner) Landscapes
curated by Alessandra Troncone
9 July - 25 September 2022

::: RADIUS centre for art and ecology, Delft (NL)
The world is a verb, solo exhibition
curated by Niekolaas Lekkerkerk
10 July - 11 September 2022

REVIEWS The world is a verb: De Groene Amsterdammer, Trouw

::: University of Amsterdam (NL)
Oceans as Archives Conference
reading/panel discussion with Ella Finer and Angeliki Tzortzakaki
keynote by Alexis Pauline Gumbs
5 July 2022

::: FIBER Festival 2022 (NL) 
In conversationwith with geographer and writer Adam Bobbette
17-18 June 2022

::: Rijksakademie, Amsterdam (NL)
Open Studios, group exhibition with Julian Abraham ‘Togar’, Daniel Aguilar Ruvalcaba, Tewa Barnosa, Razia Barsatie, Verena Blok, Simnikiwe Buhlungu, Cihad Caner, Yun Choi, Jacky Connolly, Ali Eslami, Juan Arturo García, Robert Glas, Rajyashri Goody, Lisette de Greeuw, Ola Hassanain, Saemundur Thor Helgason, Hannah Dawn Henderson, Winnie Herbstein, Abul Hisham, Annelies Kamen, Tom K Kemp, Pennie Key, Wouter van der Laan, Sungeun Lee, Tessa Mars, Vibeke Mascini, Polina Medvedeva, Jota Mombaça, Rossella Nisio, Hend Samir, Ratu R. Saraswati, Silke Schönfeld, Selma Selman, Tomasz Skibicki, Mikołaj Sobczak, eva susova, Takanori Suzuki, Fransix Tenda Lomba, Anh Trần, Agnes Waruguru, Werker, Peng Zhang, guest residents Antonio Jose Guzman, Yazan Khalili and Mamali Shafahi, and guest researcher Ohad Ben Shimon.
12-22 May 2022

::: BAK basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht (NL)
site specific installation at Sint-Catharijenekathedraal, Utrecht
part of No Linear Fucking Time, a group exhibition, symposium and publication
curated in dialogue between Rachael Rakes, Femke Herregraven, Jumana Manna, Claudia Martínez Garay and Amelia Groom. Including works by: John Berger, Mike Dibb, Chris Rawlence, Hemali Bhuta, Pauline Boudry en Renate Lorenz, Simone Fattal, Amelia Groom, Femke Herregraven, Tehching Hsieh, Jumana Manna, Claudia Martínez Garay, Vibeke Mascini, Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Yuri Pattison, Antonio Paucar, Rita Ponce de León, Rachael Rakes, Susan Schuppli, Sissel Tolaas, Antonio Vega Macotela.
18 March opening
19 March-22 May 2022

REVIEWS Ray: Volkskrant

NEWS:  after years of erasure the word ‘doodsreutel’ has once again been included in the Dutch dictionary. Thanks to all writers who joined the effort since 2017 to bring this lost word back to life. For more information see: doodsreutel and the articles that appeared in -NRC- and -Volkskrant-

©2024 Vibeke Mascini. All rights reserved.